Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

So I was unsure how the Christmas visit with Santa would go this year, since Claire had been telling me for about a week prior to our scheduled visit that she was not going to sit on his lap.  Plus Brynn has stranger anxiety now and loves Mommy and Daddy, a lot.  So I concocted this plan to get pictures for the Christmas card.  I got the idea from some web site. I wrapped a box and put B in it.  I gave Claire the lid and told her to look surprised.  They are pretty hilarious.  This is what we came up with:

Then we decided to get some solo shots of the girls.  Marty decided to join in the fun.  I've learned it is hard to get a three year old to look at the camera and to capture an almost 9 month old on film.

I think that's enough guys!

Claire and the Playmobil Nativity set.

Why buy toys?  A box will do.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Claire's Christmas Concert

I really should be sleeping but I am up, researching Christmas party ideas for my students and now writing a blog post.  Claire's concert went really well.  They had four classes that night, two preschool junior classes (3 year olds) and two preschool seniors (4 year olds).  It was jammed packed and very hard to see anything. I had to sneak up to the front side to take pictures.  Claire sang very loudly, Mark could hear her from the back, and she did all the hand motions she was supposed to. 

 Go Tell it on the Mountain!

 Jingle Bells

 Daddy, Nana and Claire

 Brynn, me, Papa, Gaga, Claire and Ms. Meg.

Family Picture

After the concert we went to Mass since it was a Holy Day of Obligation.  I was thinking so many people would be going to mass from the concert since the school kept reminding us it was a Holy Day. ( Catholic School-UCS doesn't remind kids of Holy Days:) Nope it was just us and one other family from Claire's class.  We stuck it out and went to church.  It was a very nice actually.  The priest had a good homily and even worked Brynn into the homily.  He asked her name and when I said "Brynn" he commented on how he doesn't know names now a days.  I realize I have to enunciate Brynn's name really well when telling them her name to someone new.  You won't believe how many Brynn's I've seen in the last 9 months, at least 3 or 4.  I think that's a lot.

All in all we were very proud of our singing Christmas girl.  Claire did a very nice job.

Thanks for reading,