Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Toes and Toilets

Interesting title huh!?!  We have begun potty training in earnest and for the most part pee pee training is going well.  Claire has new Dora undies and likes being a big girl.  I am not prepared for leaving the house without my security blanket of a diaper.  Someone told me I just need to do it.  There are accidents but whatever.  Deep breathing and I can do it!  I guess if Claire can, I can.  We might need a few more undies though:)

Brynn has made the amazing discovery that she has toes!  She loves them, adores them.  She'll reach and play with her toes all day if she could.  She wakes up from a nap and reaches for her little piggies.
We had her four month check up today.  Our little pumpkin is 27 inches long (she is off the charts in length)  and she weighs 16lbs 12 oz.  Dr Wozniak said that since she was such a "big girl" we can wait to give her cereal. I asked about holding off to six months anyway.  I had read to help prevent allergies it is better to wait to introduce any foods until after 6 months.  Since Claire was just diagnosed with peanut and tree nut allergies the doctor suggested waiting until six months.  So Brynn is solely on the bottle for two more months now.  I think its okay with her, she enjoys those bottles.  She's even starting to hold the bottle a little or she'll hold your fingers to control the bottle that way. 
Well have a great day:)