We had our ultrasound today! Baby Trexler is measuring a few days ahead but is expected to arrive October 15, 2013. He/she looks great, everything is in the correct parts and looks to be good. I'm always nervous before these ultrasounds and Mark always calms me down. Speaking of Mark... he is off to prepare my surprise! He knows the baby's sex, I don't yet. I had this silly idea that if we were going to find out he had to surprise me. We had a great moment with Claire, that I remember so clearly. I remember looking into his eyes and he's telling me "It's a girl!, It's a girl!" I loved that. Our moment with Brynnie was good too, but I wanted another private moment with him too, like I had with Claire. So I'm creating another moment. He's out right now preparing the balloons for the girls surprise (pink for girl, blue for boy) and my surprise as well. We came home and I could hear him upstairs through the monitor opening the envelope. That telltale crinkling sound. So he knows and I'm waiting.... Let you know soon! In the meantime, here's a pic of Baby Trexler.