Claire's first day of preschool was today. I was sort of nervous for her. She's never been in a school setting like that before and she's slightly attached to me a little bit. We try to prepare her the best we could and get her ready. She didn't go to the bathroom all morning even though we tried a few times. So that added to my nervousness. She was just so excited. We got ready and played a little bit. Claire's health form,epi pen, change of clothes, and homework were all in her backpack ready to go. While we were eating breakfast...well Claire was eating and Brynn was having a bottle. Claire said to me:
"Mommy when I go to school and you leave you don't have to cry okay."
How unbelievably cute it that?! I said to her: "Okay Claire and when I leave and give you kisses you won't cry?" She thought for a minute and said "yes"
We were off to a good start!
She had her big backpack on and was ready to go. I dropped her off and got her nametag on, next time you see her ask her what animal is on her nametag...its a kangaroo. She sits on the kangaroo carpet square. She was all set to go. A little boy gave her tools to play with and she was having a grand old time. I had to ask her for a kiss goodbye. "Oh ya, Mommy!" and a picture for Daddy:
She's looking around at everything and doesn't really look at the camera.
Off Brynn and I went waiting and wondering how the next two hours would go.
Brynn and I went back to pick her up at ten. Poor B, I had to wake her up from a nap to pick up Claire. We were waiting with all the other mommies and daddies. I think Claire's class is filled with first born children. There were a ton of babies waiting with us. We saw the class walk in a line and we had to wait for the kids to be walked out to the lobby. Claire was waving at us with a big smile on her face. When she walked out she was smiling from ear to ear and gave me a big hug.
We went to play on the wee wee set at the school afterward and she told me that she went potty two times! Then she said the teacher told her she needs to sit down:)
Claire loved it . She was talking about her teacher, Ms Jordan, at bedtime tonight. She can't wait to go back and play again!
Claire after school.