Getting ready to go in the pool.
Our Excursion to the Laundromat
Brynn made her car seat a little messy on the trip to Muncie. So Claire, Brynn and myself experienced a laundromat. Claire said it was like the book A Pocket for Corduroy. We had been reading that book a lot around that time. Claire loved the Laundromat and Brynn did too. We had lots of fun here. It was the Ball family estate and it has become a cultural center and gardens. We had lots of fun here walking the gardens and exploring Casey's Clubhouse. It was a little room in the cultural center set up to look like a clubhouse with a million and one things to investigate. Claire had a blast, she even filled out a field journal entry. She told me what to write and I transcribed for her. She did the drawing. She got a couple of prizes doing that as well. Brynn and I hung out and enjoyed the clubhouse as well.
We liked exploring the gardens and grounds too. We actually went back two different times. On the first day I discovered that Minnetrista used to be the estate for the Ball brothers and their families. Each brother built a grand home on the river within a couple hundred feet of each other. This family owns Ball glass canning jars. They moved from New York to Muncie for the family business. I have to admit that it took me until the second day to realize that Ball State University is named after the family. Honestly all these years I had no idea why Ball State was named Ball state and it took me two days to figure it out..Geez Louise. Here are some of the homes and pictures of us frolicking in the children's garden.
The Muncie Children's Museum
We also visited the children's museum. Claire loves museums now and talks about going to them occasionally. This place was great so I can see why she fell in love. They have a pint sized grocery store and kitchen that was perfect for her she didn't want to leave. There was a 'fishing' area where you fished for paper cut out fish. Claire liked that. She thought she was like Papa. A musical instrument area where Claire played the washboard and cowbell. Brynn mostly chillaxed in the stroller laughing, eating a bottle and peeing. Claire also peed too but in the potty and well once in the toddler sized ant tunnel. But come one would you leave the child sized and tunnel to pee? We left shortly after that:)
And that was our trip to Muncie, Indiana. Not that you needed the play by play but I guess (if you made it to the end) you just experienced a modern slide show of our trip.
Thanks for reading,